Saskatoon Spring Mini Gathering
The SPBA held a Spring Mini Gathering in Saskatoon on Sunday, March 23rd and we had a great afternoon of sharing music and music assessments, working to build capacity in local players and bands. A number of new players had their first ever public performance at the gathering, and it was great that could happen in such a supportive environment. Barbara MacDonald, SPBA President, pointed out at the conclusion that there was a significant number of female performers, and when the massed band played "Amazing Grace" the female pipers led the first time through.
Thanks to Jayna Munson of the Saskatoon Pipe Band Collective for organizing the location, and to our volunteer judges: Barry Robinson (solo piping), Laura Schmeling and Sam Linsley (solo drumming), Jessalyn Wallace (tenor drumming) and to Paul Laforge, Michelle Gallagher, Laura Schmeling, Sam Linsley, Lori Boen, Rob Kinnaird, Joanne Bandur and Terri Olver.
These judges all played in bands too, so it was a busy afternoon with limited preparation time, but a great way to get everyone in the swing of things for the outdoor season.