The SBA provides funding to the SPBA each year, and has provided scholarships to Sound Advice for Saskatchewan pipers and drummers. |
Saskatchewan Lotteries provides funding to the SPBA through the Saskatchewan Band Association, and is a major funding body for sport, culture and recreation in Saskatchewan. |
McCallum Bagpipes has sponsored the school each year since 2004, and their ongoing support has been crucial to the survival of the program. They make so many excellent products, and give back a lot to the worldwide piping community. |
The Community Initiatives Fund invests in the quality of life of Saskatchewan residents by offering grants for community projects that help support community development, inclusion, leadership and vitality.
The CIF has provided a significant grant to assist students from smallewr Saskatchewan communties to attend Sound Advice.
The University of Regina has been an amazing partner to Sound Advice since we moved to their campus in 2008. Each year, they provide outstanding facilities and service at reasonable rates. |
Jim McGillivray's excellent service pipetunes.ca has been a school sponsor since 2008, assisting with music packages for the pipers. Jim's amazing web site has legal, downloadable pipe music that fairly compensates the composers, as well as free music downloads, piobaireachd manuscripts and other background information. |
Jack Lee and his sons launched their reedmaking and music downloads web site in late 2010, and each year they help sponsor the school music package. |
Scotland's National Piping Centre has been involved with the school since 2004. We have had NPC instructors, examiners, and have even domne live classes via the internet! |
Cameron's Drumming Studio has been a school partner for many years, and we were extremely fortunate to have the services of Doug Stronach as an instructor for a number of years. |
The City of Regina Pipe Band provides scholarships to students, volunteers to work at the concert, ceilidh, shuttles to the airport, driving through the week, and also volunteers to perform at the concert. |

The Winnipeg Police Pipe Band provides scholarships to students from Manitoba junior pipe bands as part of their contribution to building a strong piping and drumming scene in Manitoba and the greater prairie region. |
R.G. Hardie & Co. have been making great bagpipes for many years, and they are represented at Sounf Advice by Callum Beaumont, who plays their products. RGH has been good enough to sponsor student prizes to the school. |
Reelpipes.com is a local supplier of bagpipes, piping and pipe band supplies, and contributes prizes and equipment for students at the school. |
Avonlea Communications does a variety of promotional jobs for the school each year, including the maintenance of the web site, design and production of the school brochure, posters, and other materials.